What is the one television show (past or present) you'd recommend as must-watch TV?
Emily: Hands down, Six Feet Under (2001-2005). If you’ve ever met me, I’ve probably brought this up in our first conversation. I think...
OR DIE TRYING: Series to Advance Women in Film, On & Off-screen
Busted Buggy Entertainment interviewed the women behind the upcoming female-driven series titled Or Die Trying, about the highs and lows...
Catherine Grealish on Life as a Film Composer
Catherine Grealish is an award-winning composer for film, games and live performance. Originally from Tasmania, Australia, Grealish moved...
Why Most Indie Films Fail
Hint: It’s not about the money. Though most independent filmmakers can’t access the mass market due to capital restraints, lack of funds...
How do you avoid being a wallflower at a networking party?
Dan: It is all about momentum. The first intro of yourself is the hardest, after that it comes easy. Find the happy smiling person who...
What is the best lesson you've learned on set?
Stephen: If someone says the dreaded words “Nah! Don’t worry about it. We’ll just fix it in post,” the entire production team must rise...